LEARNing With Pride
As part of the New Zealand Curriculum we have key competencies based around Self Management, Participating and Contributing, Thinking, Relating to Others and Using Languages, Symbols and Texts.
As a Cluster the Putaruru Principal group made up what we call the "Pride Initiative" which has been developed to give our Tirau LEARNerS the opportunities to develop the Key Competencies in real life contexts and to develop skills for life.
To incorporate our focus on our Tirau LEARNer Values the PRIDE tasks reflect that things that are important to our Tirau LEARNers.
Please feel free to click on the link at the top of the page to access the LEARNing with PRIDE Information and tasks to help your child identify the activities they may wish to complete, they are more than welcome to negotiate with their teacher other activities that may not be on the lists.
Taking part in the LEARNing with PRIDE is not compulsory but we do encourage all our LEARNerS in Years 4 to 6 to take part in this as it will help them to develop the necessary independent skills for study in the future.
The children will have to complete 8 tasks over the year.
This is an opt in learning activity, which is mainly carried out at home as part of a child’s homework.
Teachers will also try to include learning covered in class to go toward a band.
Learning activities cannot crossover into different areas, as there are only 8 tasks to complete.
If you think that one of the activities can show say Nurture and Respect then learners can negotiate to do the same task to cover both areas. They will need to discuss this with their teacher - they will give an extra task to do as part of this that shows how the task shows the two values.
Being able to see the bigger picture is an important Lifelong Learning skill, we want to Respect and Nurture as all the learners become
Actively Involved in showing their own Excellence.
PRIDE programme learners will need to complete tasks from each of the 4 categories and they can only do 2 from each area.
Excellence Actively Involved Respect Nurture
Bronze is completed by the children in Year 4 Silver is completed by the children in Year 5 Gold is completed by the children in Year 6
In the booklet we have given you all of the activities across the 3 years so that you can see the progression for many of the activities.
Learners will also have the opportunity to work on their tasks and have teacher support before school and during some independent class time each week.
We encourage the children to present their work in any way they would like - Create a poster, a written report, a google doc, google slides presentation, a post on their blog, or even make a movie - the possibilities are endless.
High quality presentation is important and we expect it to be neat and easy to follow and it must provide evidence of the activity and the learning that has happened.
Once each child has completed their tasks in each area, eg. Respect, their achievements will be celebrated at assembly and they will be presented with a LEARNing with PRIDE wristband.