Learning From Home 2023
Monday Assembly Link
Opening Karakia
Closing Karakia
Class Dojo
We use this for a lot of our communication with whānau and we will be sharing examples of learning on this site to keep everyone connected. Each class has their own feed where class learning and notices are shared. There is also the ability to privately message your child's teacher through this app. If you are not currently signed up to class dojo please email principal @tirau.school.nz
This year we are trying to use portfolios for sharing learning - this is for parents to share their child's tasks. Below is a video to help you understand how this works. If you are having trouble uploading to class portfolio then please email your child's teacher.
Actively Involved
You can be a safe, respectful Tirau LEARNers by being .... Actively Involved
To be Actively Involved you can ... Include people, especially your siblings - in games, groups and during activities
Get involved - try new things
Play fairly and by the rules
Look after your own belongings - shoes, clothing, rubbish
Keep your work space tidy
Do things to help out around the home - making a meal, cleaning up without being asked
Learn a new skill
Learning at home is self-paced. Please don't feel you have to complete all the curriculum areas each day. Just do what your family can. Every bit of learning is welcomed and we are happy to support where needed.
If you have any questions at all please either email Mrs Mathers or your child's teacher.
With the move to alert level 4 our school is technically open for learning from home, in a distance learning capacity.
The learning we are preparing is suitable for every child. We have planned the learning around a theme. Each teacher has planned a specific area of the curriculum and the activities will be graduated to suit all age groups. So in your bubble, the children will be learning the same theme, but at differentiated levels to suit their age.
The parents/caregivers will need to help the children to read the plan, then together complete the tasks. Taking photos is an important part of this planning, as this shows the learning your children have completed. So...
What to do when the task is finished:
Name, title and date the learning eg: John Monday maths 23.8.21
When you can, take a photo of the learning and then upload your photo to your child’s Dojo portfolio. If you are having trouble doing this, email the children’s photos to your child’s teacher.
There is no teacher planning for reading. Please just select books you have at home or select books to read or listen to from these free online resources.
Each page below is a different curriculum area, with learning activities to do at home while in alert level 3.
We have chosen our theme is FAIRY TALES.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or Dojo your class teacher.
Theme: Fairy Tales
Teachers have prepared learning for the following areas:
Writing/Shared Book - Mrs Baigent and Mrs Montgomery
Maths -Mrs M
Writing - Ms Wallace & Miss Robertson
The Arts - Ms Ryan & Whaea Makareta
There is a page for each of the area. You are welcome to do as much or as little of the activities as your family likes. Once you have completed that day’s task, follow the steps mentioned above.
The task set on Monday is the beginning of the learning, then each day something will be added to the SAME task. By Friday that task will be completed. Most learning tasks will have a purpose to help you understand the task better.
The learning tasks will be added to both Dojo and the school website. Keep checking these for any updates.
Kind regards,
Tirau School teachers
Day 1 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 2 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 3 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 4 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 5 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 6 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 7 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 8 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 9 Fairy Tale Planning
Day 10 Fairy Tale Planning
Our next theme is The Ocean.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or Dojo your class teacher.
Theme: The Ocean
Teachers have prepared learning for the following areas:
Shared Book
The Arts
There is a page for each of the area. You are welcome to do as much or as little of the activities as your family likes. Once you have completed that day’s task, follow the steps mentioned above.
The task set on Monday is the beginning of the learning, then each day something will be added to the SAME task. By Friday that task will be completed. Most learning tasks will have a purpose to help you understand the task better.
The learning tasks will be added to both Dojo and the school website. Keep checking these for any updates.
Kind regards,
Tirau School teachers
Day 1 The Ocean Planning
Day 2 The Ocean Planning
Day 3 The Ocean Planning
Day 4 The Ocean Planning
Day 5 The Ocean Planning
Day 6 The Ocean Planning
Day 7 The Ocean Planning
Day 8 The Ocean Planning
Day 9 The Ocean Planning
Day 10 The Ocean Planning
A wide selection of reading material for all age groups. Parent/adult support is needed to select the right text.
Learning Website Links
These website links are good ways to support your child's learning, some may ask you to create a login but they all should be free to access.
https://maths.prototec.co.nz/ - Basic Facts
http://www.mathematicshed.com/ - A large variety of maths games
https://www.studyladder.co.nz/ - a variety of maths activities
https://play.prodigygame.com/ - Used in senior school to support all number strands of maths
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting - Math strands for juniors
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing-numbers - Math strands for seniors
http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/literacy/ - Junior school literacy activities
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/letters-and-sounds - Phonics/letters and sounds for juniors
American grade system for all levels of learning
http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2literacy.html#looksay2 - Spelling
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/7-11-years/spelling-and-grammar - Grammar and spelling for seniors
https://www.digitaldialects.com/Maori.htm - Māori language games online
https://www.maoritelevision.com/shows/pukana/S14E023/pukana-pod-3-episode-23 - On Demand Māori language show for kids - Pukana
Free downloadable learning books
http://www.wicked.org.nz/Interactives - NZ based interactive learning
Some offline learning ideas
A great site if you want to upskill your google docs skills
Looking After Your Wellbeing
Some good ways to look after all aspect of wellbeing during this time when we are all learning from home.
If you need to contact your child's teacher their email is below
Mrs Patterson Principal - principal@tirau.school.nz
Mrs M Deputy Principal - denise@tirau.school.nz
Mrs Baigent Assistant Principal/Ruma Tūī - nesta@tirau.school.nz
Ms Ryan Ruma Tūī- tania@tirau.school.nz
Miss Hatton Ruma Pukeko - anna@tirau.school.nz
Mrs White Ruma Kākāpō richelle@tirau.school.nz
Mrs Basalaj Ruma Kea - bobbie@tirau.school.nz
Mrs Montgomery Ruma Kererū - cheryl@tirau.school.nz